The Ladies

The Ladies

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Not Ready Yet

My little sister is not ready to get on the blog yet.  She thinks mom and gramma have some more proving to do before she lets down her guard.  I told her to take her time and that she was in a safe and loving home for the rest of her life.

Mom has decided to name her Gracie.  She said she needed at least one Grace that will listen to her.  Gramma's name is Grace.  It was pretty funny.

We took Gracie to the vet the other day and she checked out fine.  No heart worms or other medical issues but a couple of hot spots, just like Lady II had when we first brought her home (but not as bad).  I had to tell mom that Gracie needs a dental cleaning because her breath smells like Keepers butt ;0 shhhhh, don't tell Keeper I said that. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Gracie is setteling right in. Hope to meet her soon.

    Essex & Sherman
